Investment Process:
1. Determine If There Is a Fit.
Your time is valuable, and your relationship between you and your investment advisor is a critical one. So before we jump into financial statements and portfolio construction, we should spend a little time getting to know each other.
• Does each person involved have an understanding of each other’s expectations and concerns, and is everyone comfortable with those?
• Do the individual personalities involved work well together? In other words, is there a fit?
Once all parties agree there is a fit, then the process can move forward with a high level of comfort for everyone.

2. Go through a Financial Fact Finding. 
Gather data that includes financial statements and current portfolios.
• Are there any income needs?
• What are your short-term and long-term financial goals?
• Which of these are the most important?

3. Develop an Investor Profile.
• What experience(s) have you had with investing?
• How long do you need to be invested in order to reach your financial goals?
• What is your risk tolerance with regard to your investments?

4. Develop a Plan and Construct a Portfolio.
• What is the best course of action to address needs and concerns?
• How much should be allocated to risk assets?
• How much should be allocated to more conservative assets?
• What are the most attractive risk assets?
• What are the most attractive conservative assets?
• When should I exit a position?

5. Implement the Plan and Monitor.