by Bret Wilson | Jul 15, 2022 | Market Commentary
In January of 2007, Steve Jobs changed the world as we know it by introducing the iPhone, which essentially put a pocket computer in the hands of the masses. Before long, all types of media became a constant presence in our lives. Kids born this century will have no...
by Bret Wilson | Jul 1, 2022 | Market Commentary
As I have written many times before, it is impossible to time the market, but as Winston Churchill once said, “History repeats itself.” Historically measuring the breadth of the market is one of the indicators that can give us a clue as to how close we are to a market...
by Bret Wilson | Jun 13, 2022 | Market Commentary
We’re all acutely aware of prices at the pump. In fact, my wife showed me a recent Facebook picture of a friend who filled up his pickup truck to the tune of $172.01. We’ll talk more about how high gas prices impacts our bottom line on everything, but let’s dive into...
by Bret Wilson | Jan 6, 2021 | Market Commentary
2021 Economic and Stock Market Preview If you had told me back in March that the market indexes would be setting all time highs by the end of the year, I would have told you to get your head out of the clouds. As I mentioned back in March, the market correction was...
by Bret Wilson | Sep 22, 2020 | Market Commentary
Market Uptrend Sustainable? The stock market’s uptrend seems to be hanging there, while the Federal Reserve has made it clear that it will continue to pump liquidity into the banking system. At least $120 billion per month, which is a $40 billion increase from...
by Bret Wilson | Sep 22, 2020 | Market Commentary
Money Magazine just released their 2020 list of the best places to live in the U.S. and Rockwall ranked #4 on that list. Pretty high cotton. Below is a link to an article at Blue Ribbon News: Rockwall ranks in top 4 of Money’s ‘Best Places to Live in the...
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