2020 – Uncharted Waters

It’s a little bit surreal. Just a few weeks ago, the stock markets were hitting all time highs, and now, in literally a matter of days, the markets have dropped to 2017 levels and may not be done yet. The volatility during each trading day has been...

Market Update March 12, 2020

A quick update on the current state of the markets and actions being taken. Right now, we are somewhat in uncharted waters. Typically, market corrections based on events are short lived and the rebound occurs rather quickly. The coronavirus and the price war in oil...

Coronavirus and Stock Market Volatility

Good afternoon. This market update was initially supposed to go out sometime Monday, but my wife and I ended up traveling on Monday to be with my oldest son and his wife for the birth of their second child (our second grandchild). Mom and the baby are doing great and...