Silicon Valley Bank Debacle

Bond See-Saw If you took economics, you might remember a concept called “The Bond See-Saw.” For those who have no idea of what I’m talking about, let me offer a simple explanation. Picture a see-saw (or teeter totter, if you’re from the Midwest) with bond prices on...

Tips for Investing Wisely

This post may be different than what you were expecting. I don’t share any hidden secrets or 100% guaranteed stock tips that will improve the returns on your portfolio. But I do want to help you get out of your own way and invest with purpose so that you can be...

2023 Off to a Great Start

January Excitement January turned out to be one of the best months the stock market has seen since 2019, and the first day of February wasn’t too bad, either. When you consider that the Federal Reserve’s board members met today and voted to raise short-term interest...

What’s Lurking Around the Corner?

Federal Reserve December Meeting As expected, The Federal Reserve raised short-term interest rates Wednesday by 0.50%, which brings the rate to around 4.5%. In the statement accompanying the move, Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell’s use of the phrase “ongoing...