Just a quick note to remind you that if you are listening to any financial media right now in regards to Greece, please take it with a grain of salt. While the media like to use the term “debt Crisis” and talk about panic….it’s still Greece.

I’ll put it in perspective:
1. Greece’s loan that they might default on is $1.6B. That’s Apples revenues every week.
2. Greece’s economy is about the size of Louisiana’s.
3. This isn’t 2010. The Euro zone is much better prepared to handle a worst case scenario in Europe.

So why all the fear? This is not about Greece. It’s about a domino effect if Greece leaves the Euro; other countries begin to do the same. But the likelihood of that happening is very low right now, and if that did happen it would be a long, slow process with plenty of time to react if need be.

So again, don’t put too much stock in what you read or hear right now.